Road saftey in Pakistan
Not Believe in following the strict Rules. But i have
Some Best tips for your that will Help you so Much.
#1 Be Alert: Always Be Alert & Don,t Think that you are to follow the Strict rules.But think them simply Guidelines. & Guidelines always make you so content & Controlled. Always Keep yourself Flexible & proper Decision when you guess any challenge on the roads.
#2 Save your Driving: all You have to Think that you have to Save otheres on the road. so Don,t Think that you are all aloneBut many Others Who cause challenge for you. That run their vehciles on the road.
# 3 Overcome your Fear: it Is Natural that we Become so sad when we see any Accident on the road . But You have to control your nerves.when you meet any chalenge on the roads.your fear must Not Distract your thoughts Be confident.
# 4 Get hold of Vehicle Gradually: Fast Driving Always Suits the tracks made especially for races. But on the Busy Roads always keep your vehicles at lower pace when roads are busy. Because This Allows you to have sufficient time & with that you can Response any Damage.
#5 Be Soft operator: Do Manage Your Handle & Steering Gently. Drive stongly but keep the Pace Slow. Get Rid of Bad Actions In the Vehciles.
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