5 Steps of Leadership

5 ways to become a leader 
Leadership is not an easy  task any how.people Do not follow You easily you have to show them your competency & your 
Your power. How to Become a Leader in your
work place.
The learning Of this point makes a Positive Impression on
Your career. Creating Leadership skills Is a tough Task
& It is Not a child,s play. Making strong Decisons & Keep
Motivated & Listen others these steps are important steps
For leadership.
Accept Cirtisim: If you want to prove yourself as a leader
At your workplace. You must be Open minded & you should 
Welcome Cirtisim over you.These Strategies bring new Plans
& new thoughts for you. You will be Witnessed accepting
Your failures & learning from them & making Alternative
Solutions for them. These things bring new talent raw talent
Before you who give you feedback who are more Experienced
& Can teach you about your industry & particular road map
Will be drawn by them to you.
See opportunities:
Feel your Running responsibilities. Is there anything you can do & 
You should improve that & Develop that. Keep learning for grasping the opportunities & Think that task is hard or easy just Go 
To Grasp It.
Build Relationships: Take the Time to establish relationship in the
Workplace & take the chance to learn from Successful Leaders.
Keep intact with people who Teach you & try to learn from them
So much from their leadership skills. respect them so much. These 
People Teach you Valuable Lessons.
Push your limits: try to ideate new things & if you did not do so
You will be in the middle of nowhere. Take the risk & see how
Much Far you Go ahead
Take the responsibility: if you try New things but those
Does not fit well accept the results & take the Responsibility
Nor Leader Can go far far Away Without Accepting his failure
Accept the both Good & Bad. People Keep Respecting you when
You are a responsible Leader.
